The MiBike Way

Joining MiBike isn’t just about getting a kickass bike for a fixed monthly fee. It’s about joining a crew of like-minded individuals who believe in something better.
Our goal is to be able to provide affordable modern bicycles to the masses in cities and towns in the United States as a subscription service, while simultaneously addressing major issues with current bike sharing programs.
We are in our start up phase of the business, currently gauging interest in select towns to start. Your participation in our waiting list will allow us to understand which bikes to launch first and give you priority access to those bikes.
We hope to provide 2-3 options (standard, luxury, luxury E-assist), simple and modern but iconic. We aim to meet casual bike rider needs as well as utilitarian needs. All subscriptions will cover bike maintenance & theft protection.
The MiBike bicycles will be of iconic design where users will be able to identify each other with a sense of camaraderie. This will be achieved by having a red front tire on every bike
Each bike will come with its own unique lock and key that will only work with the subscriber it is linked to.
While being subscribed to MiBike, the user will own the bicycle and will be able to treat it as their own up until the day the subscription is canceled.
Extra benefits when joining MiBike:
- Stream-lined customer service, not having to walk into a bike shop and pay 100s of dollars on a bike that might not be right for you. We have studied the most popular and versatile bikes on the market, our bikes are comparable to name brands but at a price you can afford.
- Peace of mind knowing that the bike will always work or be replaced, this allows you to focus on other things that are of importance and not worry about bike maintenance
- Debt freedom "its easier to find 25 dollars tomorrow, then it is to find 600 dollars right now." Also, unlike leasing a car, your MiBike subscription is cancelable anytime.
Want to be one of the first to ride with MiBike? Sign up below so we can let you know when the program is available in your city.